Oral Appliance Therapy

Oral Appliance Therapy is the main alternative to CPAP therapy. Sleep Better Abingdon offers a variety of oral appliances that fit like a mouthguard, and reposition a patient's jaws and tongue to open up their airways. Our doctors customize appliances and treatment plans for each of our patients, depending on the severity and type of sleep apnea conditions they experience. To learn about oral appliance therapy in Abingdon, Virginia, and surrounding areas, call our office at 276-274-1085 and schedule your consultation today!

There are many different options for dental sleep appliances. It is important that they be FDA approved. Shown below are a few of our favorites.

The goal of Oral Appliance Therapy is to prevent snoring and sleep apnea, thereby improving health and quality of life. These Oral Appliances are custom, adjustable and are worn while sleeping. They hold the lower jaw forward, preventing the tongue and soft tissue of the throat from collapsing into the airway. Whether for you or someone you know, Oral Appliance therapy is beneficial for a better sleep and better health.